Happy Groundhog Day Everyone!!!
It's that time of year again, time for Groundhog's Resolutions. Last year was a good one. I accomplished a lot (maybe not everything I set out to do, but a lot). I bought a condo (get the keys today), travelled to two new countries, wrote a ton of fiction (okay, I didn't send any fiction out, but I wrote a TON), I stopped wasting money on carry-out and mini quiches, I read many many many books. I could go on. But I'm not finished. Now that I'm a homeowner, I need some smashing new resolutions to guide me through this Groundhog of a year!
Groundhog's Res #1: Carried over from last year, I resolve to send out no fewer than two short stories and one children's book for publication;
Groundhog's Res #1b: I resolve to finish a second draft of my novella;
Groundhog's Res #2: I resolve to paint my new condo, just because I CAN!;
Groundhog's Res #3: I resolve to buy a sofa or a fancy chair;
Groundhog's Res #4: I resolve to read Anna Karenina;
Groundhog's Res #5: I resolve to properly save money to pay my property taxes and not have to hit up my mom for the cash;
Groundhog's Res #6: I resolve to try and establish an actual grown-up relationship with an actual grown-up man;
Groundhog's Res #6a: In accomplishing the above, I resolve to not sit on my butt and watch movies or hang out in gay bars in an attempt to avoid bad dates;
Groundhog's Res #7: I resolve to cook at least two new recipes a month;
Groundhog's Res #8: I once again resolve that should I find the perfect pair of black pumps or a Versace (or D & G) tuxedo at 90% off (Sadly, I still am perfect black pump and tuxedo free) all financial conservation is immediately null & void.